The purpose of the pastoral council is:
1. To facilitate a process by which the mission of the parish is determined and to serve as stewards of that mission.
2. To implement the mission by engaging in pastoral planning, which includes assessing parish needs, identifying resources, determining priorities.
3. To collaborate with the finance council to maintain appropriate stewardship in implementing the mission of the parish.
Current members include:
St. Raphael: Jan Thyne, Nan Peck, Frank Cicciarelli, Matthew Yoon, Diane Kramer
St. Patrick: Diane Rambousek, Holly Paige, Ron Avery, Carlos Ramirez, Jennifer Raney
Deacon Paul Peckosh Fr. Quint
Consultative body to the pastor regarding the material goods of the parish. Council members are appointed by the pastor for a three year term, renewable once. Councils for each parish meet quarterly. Councils approve budgets and monitor them, as well as consider significant improvements and how to fund them. Contact the pastor to volunteer. Members include:
St. Patrick: Ron Avery, Don Pfhol, Marie Lehrman
St. Raphael: Rennie Root, Bill Coakley, Bob Felderman, Clarice Rubel, Michael Rubel
The Faith Formation Commission is charged with visioning, promoting and providing faith formation opportunities for parishioners of all ages. Contact Jan Thyne for more information 563.582.7646.
The purpose of the liturgy committee is to assist the pastor in facilitating the liturgical prayer of the community, and to nourish and give direction to the liturgical worship of the parishes, including the elements of spirituality, music, environment, liturgical ministers, and attention to liturgical norms.
Members include:
St. Raphael: Annette Johnson, Kirsten Lillegard, Christine Radecki, Jim Mendrella
St. Patrick: Dina Kempthorne
The purpose of the Parish Life Committee is to provide activities that foster community within the parish. Our activities have includex organizing and providing volunteers for the St. Raphael Day Potluck, a Christmas Party for residents at Stonehill, the Lessons and Carols Reception, the Epiphany Party, an Ice Cream Social following Manor Care’s Anointing Service, the St. Patrick Potluck, the Easter Vigil Reception and assisting at various diocesan events.
Meeting time and location: first Monday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Cathedral Center
For more information on this committee, please contact Christine Radecki at (815) 757-9507 or via email at [email protected].
Encourages parishioners to exercise stewardship as an expression of gratitude to God and as a way of life for disciples of Christ.
The social justice committee continues the ministry of Jesus by service to marginalized persons and persons with special needs. The committee promotes and coordinates programs which will promote justice and charity in full measure to all of God’s children. It also provides opportunities for parishioners to respond to the social needs of today.