The Sacrament of Baptism makes us members of the body of Christ and incorporates us into the Church, forever sharing in its mission. For first-time parents wanting their infant to be baptized, the Church offers formation and catechesis in preparation for the baptism of their child. Only one baptism preparation class is required. Those wishing to have their child baptized are encouraged to attend a class prior to birth of their child. Both parents are expected to participate. The course covers the theology of Baptism, the explanation of the Rite, and the role of godparents or sponsors.
To register for a preparation class or if you would like to arrange your child’s baptism, please contact Deacon Jim Luksetich at [email protected].
The mission of our faith formation program is to educate and form our parishioners so that all can live as Christ for others in the world today. We offer this formation for youth (Grades 01-08) through our Wednesday evening program during the school year and our summer program.
Sacramental preparation for Confession & Communion (usually grade 02) and Confirmation (usually grade 09) is also provided. Adult faith formation opportunities are scheduled throughout the year. For a complete list of sacramental preparation and faith formation offerings, please click here.
For more information, contact the Director of Faith Formation, Jan Thyne at [email protected].
The sacred covenant in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a symbol of the union between Christ and his Church; therefore, marital love must be permanent, life-giving, and freely shared. The different components of the marriage preparation process strives to help engaged couples to radiate Christ's unselfish love and grow ever closer to God and to one another. Those components include: Spiritual Preparation with a priest, a Marriage Retreat, the Sponsor Couple Program, and Liturgical Preparation.
Please contact our Pastor, Fr. Dennis Quint, to begin preparation at [email protected].
The Rite of Christian Initiation is designed for adults who have heard the mystery of Christ proclaimed and desire to enter into a closer union with God in the community of the Catholic Church. Christian Initiation is a process of prayer and study within the parish community.
To learn more about RCIA, please contact Fr. Dennis Quint at [email protected].
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick provides healing, comfort, forgiveness, and strength to the soul and body of the one who is ill or elderly. In the case of an emergency or serious illness, if you are sick, confined to a home, or entering a local nursing home, or even if you are being admitted in a hospital or preparing for a major surgery, please notify the parish office and request to speak with a priest by calling 563-582-7646.
The Cathedral of St. Raphael and St. Patrick Church communities offer assistance to families upon the death of a loved one. Family members meet with a member of the pastoral staff to make arrangements for the vigil service, funeral liturgy (usually a Mass), and burial. Both parishes have facilities to accommodate a funeral dinner.
Please contact the parish office to make arrangements by calling 563-582-7646.